Does Jimny 3 door have an extensive tool kit with stock version

Does Jimny 3 door have an extensive tool kit with stock version.

For all I know, the standard toolkit will consist of the Tyre Changing tool, a screwdriver with interchangeable bit, a Hazard Warning Triangle and an Emergency First Aid Kit.

I do suggest that we should carry the following items, particularly if planning a long drive.

  1. Tyre Pressure Guage
  2. Air Compressor
  3. A Small 12V vaccum cleaner
  4. Some Black Insulation Tape
  5. Puncture Kit
  6. Flashlight / Torch
  7. Screwdriver set and Pliers

If planning an off-roading trip you many want to carry following items.

  1. Engine Oil
  2. Tow Strap 4-5 Mts. Long Nylon Strap/ Metal Cable
  3. Engine Oil Filter
  4. Leak Proof Jerry Can
  5. Snow Chains
  6. Brake Fluid
  7. Tyre Tube
  8. Zip Ties
  9. Fuel Filter
  10. Radiator Hose
  11. Spark Plugs
  12. Headlight Bulbs
  13. Brake Light Bulbs
  14. Reverse Light Bulbs
  15. Park Light Bulbs
  16. Spare Fuses
  17. Brown Tape
  18. Binding Wire
  19. Wiper Wash Tank Liquid
    20 . Air Filter
  20. Radiator Cap
  21. M-Seal
  22. Fevikwik/ Super Glue
  23. Wd 40
  24. Ceasefire
  25. Swiss Knife
  26. Emergency Light
  27. Tissue Paper
  28. Binoculars
  29. Flask
  30. Spare Remote + Battery + Keys
  31. Plastic Funnel
  32. Liquid Soap Bottle
  33. Wire Cutter
  34. Nylon String
  35. Electric Wire

My 2 paisa in addition to the already huge list above, mainly for going off road/traveling: Majority is not needed but pick on the basis of your priority. Below is my priority in addition to the list above. I’m not counting spares, parts and fluids as they’re not really going to break unless you abuse your vehicle but better safe than sorry if you know your vehicle, you know which spares to keep handy.

  • Proper First Aid Kit, complete with dettol/savlon and cotton/gauze etc. and any specific medications for self/travelers.
  • Jumper Cable
  • License free radio
  • Bungee cords and/or ropes
  • Shackles, since tow strap is already mentioned
  • An old jacket/t shirt OR get a proper Winch Dampers.
  • Shovel
  • Traction Board
  • Magnet at the end of a string or stick.
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Collapsible water bottle
  • socket/spanner set with screwdriver set.
  • Trash Bags (they will come in handy)
  • Car refrigerator if budget permits

Thanks Added some of the essentials to my cart…will go on shopping spree once i get my Jimny home…:slightly_smiling_face:

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